
Partner Mikael Borg co-authors book on regulation of the Swedish corporate bond market


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During 2023, the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law has led a comprehensive research project at Stockholm University in relation to the Swedish corporate bond market and related regulation and application issues. The project has resulted in the recently published book ”Regulation of the Swedish corporate bond market” (Swedish: ”Regelfrågor på den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden”). Partner Mikael Borg has written the chapter ”Some obervations from an advisor” (Swedish: ”Några observationer från en rådgivare”).

A total of 29 authors consisting of researchers and practitioners have contributed to the book, that combines scientific and practical perspectives on the challenges that the market and its actors are facing, to shed light on the market’s function and significance, as well as its continued strong development.

Further information, in Swedish, can be found here.