Gernandt & Danielsson advises Cint in connection with rights issue and extension of credit facility agreement


On 27 January 2025, the board of directors of Cint Group AB (publ) resolved on a rights issue of up to approximately SEK 600 million, subject to approval by an extraordinary general meeting. The purpose of the rights issue is to support the implementation of the company’s new strategy Cint 2.0 and improve future cash flows by refinancing the company’s balance sheet. Subject to the rights issue being successfully completed and the company making an amortisation on outstanding bank loans, the company has agreed with the lending banks to extend its existing USD 120 million credit facility until March 2027.

Gernandt & Danielsson advises Cint with a team consisting of partners Carl Westerberg and Mikael Bolling, senior associates Daniel Sveen and Astrid Svensson as well as associates Alexander ThörnbergPhilip BörnåMatilda EllmanVanessa Sidlo and Amanda Kull.